Prêmios ABMEC



To recognize outstanding contributions in computational mechanics, ABMEC (Associação Brasileira de Métodos Computacionais em Engenharia) establishes three awards:

i. ABMEC Award; ii. ABMEC Award for Young Scientists; iii. ABMEC Award for the Year´s Best Doctorate Thesis.


A)               All members of the computational mechanics community are invited to submit nominations for the ABMEC awards:

i.           ABMEC Award: The ABMEC Award is the highest award given by ABMEC. It honors individuals who have made outstanding, sustained contributions in the field of computational mechanics over periods representing substantial portions of their professional careers, and demonstrated support to the ABMEC through membership and participation in the Association, its meetings and activities. Conferred every year. Maximum number of awards: one.

ii.          ABMEC Award for Young Scientists: The ABMEC Award for Young Scientists is conferred to young researchers with significant contributions in the field. The awardee must have the age of 40 or less until the last date of nomination. Conferred every year. Maximum number of awards: one.

Each nominator can propose no more than one individual for the same award. Self-nominations are not accepted. Diversity nominations are encouraged.

Each nomination must be supported by 3 reference letters and submitted a nomination form in PDF format (following the template provided here). It should contain:

1.    The name of the nominee, including a valid e-mail address and, if available, professional affiliation. 

2.    The name of the award for which the nominee is being nominated. 

3.    A concise justification of no more than 2,000 characters. This justification should contain an opening statement, specific supporting statements, and the proposed award citation. 

4.    A CV of the nominee. 

5.    3 letters of reference from people who have no conflict of interest, defined for this purpose as people from a different organization and who have not been and are not currently a mentor of the nominee. Each letter should emphasize, when applicable, the impact of the nominee in the broadest sense and should be written by the referee who can attest the best for this impact. The no conflict of interest rule mentioned above does not apply to the nominator. 


B)               All students who defended their doctoral thesis in the year 2023 are invited to submit their thesis and resulting scientific production for evaluation by the ABMEC Awards Committee:

iii.        ABMEC Award for the Best Doctoral Thesis of the Year: The ABMEC Award for the Year´s Best Doctorate Thesis. Maximum number of awards: one.

Each candidate for the award must send:

1.    E-mail submitting the doctoral thesis work, with complete contact information;

2.    Copy of the defense/presentation minutes, certifying the approval of the work;

3.    CV-Lattes updated in 2024 and document of up to 2 pages (Calibri font size 12) where the candidate describes the main contributions of the thesis;

4.    Copy of the thesis being proposed for the award;

5.    Copies of articles, books, book chapters, published/accepted for publication, patents or other products and pertinent documents related to the thesis work.

The documents for the nomination or candidature are attached to this e-mail or can be found in our webpage Nominations and candidature must be submitted before or on August 31th, 2024, by e-mail to the following address:




Rules and guidelines of the 2024 ABMEC Awards

The Awards Committee (AC) is composed by the following members: Abimael Loula, Álvaro Coutinho, José Telles, Nelson Ebecken, Paulo Lyra (Chairman), Paulo Pimenta, Phillippe Devloo and Webe Mansur. The maximum number of awards in each category is indicated in the Awards description above; in case of a draw in any category, an additional voting round will occur. 


Nominations for ABMEC Award and ABMEC Award for Young Scientists:

1.      The Awards Committee solicits nominations from the ABMEC Membership (and other members of the computational mechanics community).

2.      Each of the nominators may nominate no more than one individual for each of the awards. Selfnominations are not accepted. 

3.      Nominators are invited to submit a nomination form with 3 support letters and a CV of the nominee.

4.      There is no restriction on the number of reference letters a person can write.

5.      All ABMEC Awards Committee, ABMEC Council, and ABMEC Directory are ineligible for any ABMEC Award during their service period. ABMEC Awards Committee, ABMEC Council, and Direction Members should not be requested to send nominations or writing support letters.


Candidature ABMEC Award for the Best Doctoral Thesis of the Year

1. The Awarding Committee asks the recent doctors of the ABMEC community, who concluded their doctoral thesis in the year 2023, to submit their candidacies.


Nominations and candidature must be submitted before or on August 31th, 2024, by e-mail to the Awards Committee Chairman, Paulo Lyra through the following address: